Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

At Cabinplant we recognize that we are an international company, and that our business affects the world around us. In the light of this, we want to take our responsibility seriously. When talking about corporate social responsibility we find it natural to take our responsibilities further than legal obligations. We recognize that as a company employing several hundred people across the globe, we hold a unique position in relation to our employees, environment and surroundings.

It is on the basis of these notions, and our vision of being seen as the most innovative, customer-minded and trustworthy partner in the food industry all over the world, that we strive to act each day. In the following we have highlighted some of the initiatives we have made in order to make the world just a little bit better.


At Cabinplant, we perceive education to be an investment in the future, which is why we rely on and entrust our apprentices, trainees and interns with meaningful tasks in our daily work.

Furthermore, we acknowledge that people are different

and that some have challenges in having a job, be it physical or psychological. Thus, we aim to have openings for employees who cannot usually be employed on normal conditions, by securing and maintaining an open and good working-environment, with room for everyone.

We feel that it is of benefit to the employee, to the company and to the society as a whole that companies offer this possibility for more people to be active members of the workforce.

At Cabinplant, we acknowledge that

being a strong partner in the community, in which we operate, is paramount to our reason of existence. We believe that having a strong bond with the local community, in which many of our employees live, is mutually beneficial to both our business and the community. Thus, we have several partnerships in the close vicinity of our headquarters in Haarby, Denmark, including supporting the local sports association, the local cinema and trade association etc. This, we feel, is important as the community, represented by our employees, is an essential part of our company.

Cabinplant has always been about being

ambitious, quality conscious and, sometimes, punching above our own weight. A mentality we believe is reflected in our sponsorship of the local handball club GOG, who have been achieving stunning results superior to their size for years.

We support

One of the most abominable deceases, affecting billions worldwide, is cancer. We hate to see how it forces families to see their loved ones waste away, and bring an immense amount of pain in its wake. As a global company we feel we have a special position and an increased responsibility in fighting this horrific decease. Therefore we support several initiatives financially, both supporting those affected by cancer, but also cancer research, so that hopefully we can be a part of creating a future without such a decease.

Additionally, we support

Additionally, we support several organizations working to help those in need around the world and improve the health of the world’s population. We acknowledge that we alone cannot save the entire world, but by supporting organizations trying to make a difference, we aim to achieve the biggest impact possible on improving living conditions and health of people around the world. We feel that by donating to organizations working to help those in need every day, we maximize our impact as they are both efficient and precise in their efforts –Values which align seamlessly with our own.

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