Customer case

Reducing downtime and increasing yield

About the Customer:

Spanish pork processor Grup Baucells Alimentació is one of the leading meat export companies in Spain.

The Challenge:

Baucells was struggeling with give-away in packages of large products. So the challenge was to increase exports and profits by reducing give-away in large packages of pork products for the Asian markets.

The Solution:

With a tailor-made Cabinplant Multibatcher installed, the customer can efficiently handle portion sizes up to 34 kg (75 lbs) at high speeds. Precise combinatorial weighing allows the customer to produce up to 12 batches per minute with significantly less give-away.

The Result:

Packages of larger products such as hind feet, backbones, and ribs are now weighed out with +/- 30 g accuracy, a significant improvement from their previous solution, reducing give-away and increasing overall yield.

How much can you save?

By reducing give-away at an average of 75 g (2.65 oz) per package, the customer achieved estimated savings of €180,000 ($210,000) in one year after installation.


Country: Spain

Industry: Meat

The Multibatcher provides the speed, flexibility, and accuracy we need to serve the Chinese pork export market," Ramón Baucells, Owner at Grup Baucells Alimentació.

Mr. Ramón Baucells, Owner at Grup Baucells Alimentació.

Savings per year with the Cabinplant Multibatcher

Product/batch sizePork ears/10 kg

Containers per hour600

Hours operation per dayx 8

Days of operation per yearx 200

Value of product per kg (€)x 2.50

Give-away reduction per portion (g)x 75

Grams/kilogramsx 0,001

Savings achieved =180,000 / 210,000


  • Ideal for export packing
  • Space saving
  • Higher yield
  • Less labor cost
  • Easy to clean
  • Full tracking of raw materials and finished products

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