Heat treatment

Industrial blanchers

High-quality vegetable processing

The Cabinplant blancher programme consists of a wide range of models
divided into three main categories. The Cabinplant range of blanchers is developed with focus on high-quality processing with low energy and water consumption.

Download our brochure below and learn more about our Blanchers


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Reduce water / steam consumtion by up to 50%

Highly uniform blanching of fruit and vegetables

Increased food safety

We focus on a gentle and sustainable process

For years, the food processing industry has been fighting to put processed/ frozen vegetables on the consumer’s table which are of a quality comparable to that of fresh vegetables. At the same time, manufacturers are faced with increased food safety demands and stricter environmental demands in the form of increased prices for energy and restrictions on waste water.

Our vegetable processing solutions are designed to maximize capacity and reduce water consumption. With a forced steam principle, steam consumption is reduced by 40-50% while at the same time ensuring a highly uniform blanching of fruit and vegetables, without washing out the taste and nutrients. Further, the solution offers manufacturers full flexibility and increased food safety.

Our blanchers work efficiently with capacities ranging from only 1 t/h up to 30 t/h. Even if your blanching requirements cannot be met by our standard range, Cabinplant’s experienced and creative engineers are always ready with alternative solutions.

Type of blanchers:

  • Blanching with water
  • Blanching with steam
  • Blanching with water and steam
  • Blanching with forced steam

Features & benefits

  • Low risk of product contamination even after long operating hours
  • Integrated blancher and cooler
  • No product damage
  • High yield
  • Uniform blanching
  • High degree of flexibility with regard to blanching time and temperature
  • Multistage counterflow water circulation ensures extremely low water consumption and waste water discharge
  • Additional lowering of product temperature by means of recirculated chilled water.
  • Customer-adapted design

Contact us today to learn more about our blanching solutions

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Does this solution fit your requirements? At cabinplant we are experts in creating the right customized solution. Get in touch with one of our specialist and learn more about how this solution will fit into your project.

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Contact a specialist

We have people all around the world who can help.

Business Segment Manager, Fruits & Vegetables

Allan Møller Hansen

Senior Sales Manager, Fish & Seafood

Søren Mølgaard Hansen

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