Heat treatment

BC Blancher - Water blanching and cooling

The BC blancher/cooler is a uniquely crafted, space-efficient blancher tailored for smaller production volumes, ranging from 1 to 9 tons per hour. Additionally, the introduction of cooling water is finely tuned based on the product quantity through the utilization of a thermostatic water valve.

The BC line operates on the same basic principles as the IBC line, albeit without the pre-heating feature (available as an optional add-on). This results in increased steam consumption, but the initial purchase cost is reduced as a trade-off. Furthermore, the BC setup is less intricate but remains an attractive alternative to Cabinplant’s blanching technology.

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Integrated blancher and cooler

Low risk of product contamination

Customer-adapted design

The basic version consist of:

  1. An infeed section where the product is introduced and uniformly distributed onto the blanching belt.
  2. A dedicated blanching section responsible for heating the product. This is accomplished by gently spraying it with recirculated water, which is heated using precisely controlled injected live steam regulated by a modulating steam control valve.
  3. A dedicated cooling section where cooling water is actively pumped to efficiently cool the product. This process is executed in a counterflow manner relative to the product’s path, ensuring optimal temperature reduction.

The thermal energy derived from the heated cooling water can be effectively utilized to benefit the infeed section by facilitating the rinsing and, to a certain extent, preheating of the incoming product. This ensures a more efficient and sustainable use of resources in the process

Features and advantages
  • Low risk of product contamination even
    after long operating hours
  • Integrated blancher and cooler
  • No product damage
  • High yield
  • Uniform blanching
  • Multistage counterflow water circulation
    ensures extremely low water consumption
    and waste water discharge
  • Additional lowering of product temperature
    by means of recirculated chilled water, option
  • Customer-adapted design


Technical data


BC Basic Version BC 2 BC 3 BC 4 BC 6 BC 9
Nominal Capacity for Green Pears Kg/h 2,000 3,000 4,000 6,000 9,000
Overall Length m 4,3 5,8 7,3 7,3 10,3
Steam Consumption max. Kg/h 450 625 800 1,100 1,600
Water Consumption kW 6 7,5 9 13 20
Nominal Power Consumption kW 4 5 7 9 12


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