Weighing Automation

Multihead Weigher with screw feeding (MHW SF)

The Cabinplant Multihead Weigher with screw feeding is a unique and patented solution that is perfect for handling sticky & wet products. 

Speed, flexibility, and precision are vital parameters when optimizing your cost of production. The Cabinplant screw feeding principle has introduced the benefits of multihead weighing to processors of wet and sticky products. It has enabled industries in the fish & seafood, meat & poultry, fruit & vegetables, and convenience food industries to achieve higher weighing accuracy and considerably reduce giveaway costs. In addition, our customers have benefitted from a ROI of less than 18 months.

The Multihead Weigher gives you a well-proven and reliable weighing machine. Our Multihead Weighers with screw-feeding are available in a wide range of models, and we can, therefore, meet your specific demands and ensure optimal handling of your products.

Download our brochure below and learn more about the Multihead Weigher with screw feeding below


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Proven performance

Minimizes give-away

Automates handling of sticky products

Sensor gates increases accuracy

To obtain the highest possible number of combinations and achieve the highest degree of accuracy the Multihead Weigher is only feeding one piece of product into each pan. The sensor gate ensures optimal feeding of each assembling pan, which is ideal for packing few-piece portions.

Functionality of the multihead weigher

The Multihead Weigher has several functionalities which help you increase accuracy and efficiency in the production.

The Multihead Weigher always has continuous weighing, rotating cones on top and screw dosing time, that automatically adjusts as a function of partial portion weighing.

Furthermore rollers can be integrated between the individual channels when handling long products such as fresh fish, fillets or pasta.

Type of weighing:

  • Single or multiple weighing
  • Flow weighing
  • Floating set-point weighing
  • Single dynamic weighing (SDW)
  • Dual dynamic weighing
Features & benefits
  • Give-away close to zero
  • Specially adapted product contact materials
  • Minimum noise level
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Easy cleaning
  • Continuous weighing
  • Rotating cone on top
  • Automatic screw dosing time
  • Rollers can be integrated
  • Hygienic design


Type Pan size Number of heads

Screw feeder 10/12 14 18/20 24 28 32
10 10-12 10-14 10-18 10-24 10-28
30 30-10 30-14 30-20 30-24 30-28
40 40-10 40-14 40-20 40-24
50 50-14 50-20 50-24

Watch video to see how our MHW SF increases profit in the meat & poultry industry

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Does this solution fit your requirements? At cabinplant we are experts in creating the right customized solution. Get in touch with one of our specialist and learn more about how this solution will fit into your project.

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Business Segment Manager, Meat & Poultry

Jørgen Zachariassen

Business Segment Manager. Convenience Food

Morten Dissing

Senior Sales Manager

Claus Jessen

Senior Sales Manager

Per Granberg Rasmussen

Sales Manager

Thomas Jensen

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