
Thawing chamber

Cabinplant provides a modular thawing chamber for batch thawing of block frozen and IQF products. 

Defrosting is carried out by humidified air and the product retains its quality during thawing, as the Cabinplant thawing chamber controls the temperature throughout the entire defrosting process.

The advanced fully automatic Cabinplant thawing equipment is an essential part of any processing line.

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Up to 4 % higher yield due to reduced drip loss

Retained product quality

Reduced defrosting time

Essential part of any processing line

The thawing chamber is of modular design. The product is placed on trolleys with an average product weight per trolley of 750 kg.

Capacity ranges from 750 to 12,000 kg per batch. E.g. TC2 (2×750 kg.) 1,500kg. TC4 (4x750kg) 3,000kg. Thawing time depends on product type, size, shape, etc.



The trolleys with the frozen product blocks are placed in the chamber. The doors are closed and a thawing program is chosen.

Via baffle plates, motorised fans direct a heated air flow into the

The air flow circulates between all trolley shelves, thus ensuring even and uniform product thawing.

One pair of counterpitch fans per module ensures maximum air flow to each pair of
trolleys, regardless of direction.

After thawing or tempering, the product can be used:

  • Fresh
  • Chilled
  • Refrozen
  • Semi preserved
  • Fully preserved


Block frozen product, e.g.: 

  • Fish fillets
  • Shellfish
  • Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit & berries

IQF product, e.e.:

  • Whole fish
  • Fish fillets
  • Meat – large piece

Features & benefits

  • Up to 4 % higher yield due to reduced drip loss
  • Retained product quality
  • Reduced defrosting time
  • High degree of homogeneity
  • Minimum water consumption
  • Better hygiene

Capacity & Dimensions mm

  • Ranges from 750 to 12,000 kg per batch.
Type Length Height Width
TC 2 1500 1500 3500 4100
TC 4 3000 2700 3500 4100
TC 6 4500 3900 3500 4100
TC 6 6000 5100 3500 4100
TC 8 7500 6300 3500 4100
TC 10 9000 7500 3500 4100
TC 12 10500 8800 3500 4100
TC 16 12000 10000 3500 4100
Dimensions may vary depending on type of use.


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We have people all around the world who can help.

Senior Sales Manager, Fish & Seafood

Søren Mølgaard Hansen

Business Segment Manager, Fish & Seafood

Michael Wounlund

Senior Sales Engineer

Lars Rosager

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