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Experience, dedication and market knowledge
We base everything we do on our five core values.
We help you to minimise give-away and maximise quality
By handling food with care and intelligence, we can help you get the most out of every piece of fish, meat, vegetable or whatever product you’re making. We have the technology to precisely measure, cut, trim, weigh and package any food stuff on the market today – and we’re confident that we have the expertise to develop solutions for the foods you’re only just beginning to think about.
Food is the foundation of life and we’re determined to provide food processing solutions that feed a hungry world. We manufacture our solutions with respect for the environment because we care about people of today, and future generations. Our customer relationships are built on trust and our processing equipment is built to last. We call it “food processing for life” – that’s why we are here.
Lars Ryholl, CEO
Featured products
Processing equipment for the food industry.